Welcome to Joyful Traveling

Joyful Travels w/ Jaylen and Bekah

Do you want to live life regretting the things that you did not get to see? Us either. Join us on all of our adventures around the World, read about tips and tricks we have learned along the way, and get new ideas on hidden gems locally. We are looking forward to building a travel community and helping people learn new things that they maybe have been interested in but have never tried. If this interests you, follow along for the ride and get connected with us!

A Little About Us

Our names are Jaylen and Rebekah, we are a newly-wed couple in our early 20’s and love to travel! We love being outdoors, hiking, surfing, snowboarding, rock climbing and much more! If you have any questions or want to get in contact with us just make your way to our contact page or just shoot us an email!

Check Out Our Most Recent Adventures Below: